Welcome To The E-Com Startup Club

Welcome To The E-StartUp Club

Congratulations on taking the first step to turning your passion into passive income This blog will introduce you to tools, resources, and step-by-step guides to starting your own online business. Whether your passion is teaching, cooking, selling, creating products, or exercise and fitness, we will show you how to turn that passion or skill into an online business capable of providing you with a sources of passive income.

Over the years, I have personally taught a number of individuals how to make money online without quitting their job and without doing the many things I see people doing when they need to earn extra money. If your immediate goal is to earn a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month without sacrificing a lot of time or having to learn a new skill that has no passion to you, then you are in the right place.

Many of the online business ideas you’ll be introduced to require the same basic business ingredients – a website, a domain name, a professional email address, and an email service provider. None of the business ideas will cost your more than $200-$300 to get started. A few will be able to be started with less than $100 and a Facebook business page. And instead of selling you this information (like a lot of folks are doing), we’re going to give you the information absolutely free. And we’ll invite you to become a member of our private Facebook page where you can interact with other aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs. You are welcome to ask questions, get advice, and share your expertise with the group.

So I want to welcome you to the E-Com Startup Club where you can “turn your passion into passive income”.

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