How To Create & Earn Passive Income From a Simple Blog Website

E-Commerce Idea #8: Blogging

Have you ever shared ideas with others that either helped them make money, save money, or become more productive? Have you ever recommended a product or service to someone?

In order to have a successful blog, you need two things. First you must have valuable content to share. Next, you need to have loyal subscribers or followers that value your content and look forward to it.

The first steps in creating a blog is to decide what you want to share (content) and who you want to share it with (your audience). This topic could be anything that people get value from. For instance you can have content about personal finance and an audience of single parents. Therefore, you can have a personal finance blog geared towards the needs of single parents. Or you can share content about the home repair and an audience of do-it-yourself new homeowners. That would mean creating a blog for new home owners that have an interest in DIY home repair projects.

There are a number of ways that bloggers actually make passive income. I’m going to share with you the different ways that you can make money if you started your own blog. I’ll also link you a tutorial on our Facebook group where we share step-by-step how to create your own money-making blog. For now, here is how passive income is created:

  • AFFILIATE LINKS – Affiliate links are the number one way bloggers make money. If you aren’t familiar with what affiliate marketing and affiliate links are, check out this blog on how money is made with affiliate marketing. In a nutshell, you make recommendations via direct links to products and services supplied by others and they give you a commission on any sales of those products and services.
  • ADVERTISING – Many bloggers get paid by selling advertising space to those wishing to be in front of their audience. Once you have built up a huge audience and are getting lots of traffic to you blog, advertising is a logical way to monetize your blog.
  • PRODUCTS – You can create and offer your own physical products or virtual products to your audience. Physical products could be a book you’ve written. It could be t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, or other actual products that you sell and ship to your followers when they make a purchase. Virtual products could be downloadable guides & e-books, online paid courses, paid webinars, paid virtual summits, software, or templates that you’ve created.
  • SERVICES – You can make money by selling a service. Maybe you design websites or offer you graphic design skills. Maybe you can offer to provided coaching services, one-on-one training, individual consulting, or even offer speaking services.
  • MEMBERSHIPS- You can make a monthly residual income by offering a private membership to your followers. This monthly payment to you would provide you audience with greater value added services and/or information. Maybe it’s access to a software that you’ve created and they can pay monthly for continued access to it. Depending on what you offer paid members, you could easily request a fees as low as $8 per month to as much as $99 per month.

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