E-commerce Idea #1 – Podcasting
Tony Robbins is famous for saying, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” I’d add to that and say, “If you do what average people do, you’ll get what average people get.”
Are you familiar with the analogy of going up a down escalator? If you stand still, you’re going backwards. If you walk/step, you’re lucky if you just stay in place. But if you run, you can make some headway and actually reach the top — difficult — but you can do it. Life is exactly the same.
Most people walk, or stand still. Very few people actually hustle, but those who really move-it far outpace their peers in almost every walk of life. So here are five simple reasons why you absolutely need a side hustle, and a few tips on how to get started.